NK Elite - AAU Regional

Regional Team Selections must be prepared to play in Local Summer Leagues as well as "Regional Travel" to 1-2 Northeast US cities based on Coach's discretion.


What aged players are appropriate for this program?

Ages: Players at least 6 years old who have completed at least one year of Learn-to-Play.


What time of the year does this program run?

CalendarThe season begins with tryouts on February 14th and 17th and runs until playoffs in August.


How many games will they play? What days of the week?

Competition: Teams will play 15-20 games over the course of the season and will usually fall on the weekends.


Are jerseys provided or are they purchased separately?

Yes: Club jerseys are required and may be purchased from the team manager.


Where are practices and games typically held?

Location: Practices will be held at The Hoop Factory (1420 Bayly, Unit 13, Pickering) and games will be played across various GTA venues.


When are practices and how often are they?

Schedule: Teams practice 2x times per week.

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